Plants need a variety of nutrients to thrive. As the soil they are growing in gets older, certain nutrients are lost. One nutrient that they need is nitrogen. Urea fertilizer contains this nutrient and provides plants with a variety of benefits. At Easy Peasy Plants, our urea fertilizer contains 46 percent nitrogen. Learn the benefits of this type of fertilizer and shop our plant care products today.

Promotes Green Leafy Growth
Urea fertilizer can help provide plants with the nutrients they need to look their best. This fertilizer type promotes the beautiful deep green color in plants, giving your plants a healthy and stunning appearance. Whether you are growing flowers, a veggie garden or any other type of plant, fertilizer rich with nitrogen can help them look healthy and happy.
Encourages Fast Growth
Do you want your plants to grow more and look lush? Urea fertilizer can also help with that! This nitrogen-rich fertilizer allows plants to grow faster, which means they show new growth more often and become more lush. You will love to watch all the new growth pop up when you start using the urea fertilizer.

Aids in Photosynthesis Process